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Crew member: Aleša Saša Sitar - Humanizing Digital Work

Aleša Saša Sitar, PhD is Assistant Professor at the Academic Unit for Management and Organization at the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana (SEB LU), Slovenia.  Her academic research interests focus on organizational learning, knowledge management, organizational and job design, informal knowledge sharing networks, employee learning, learning in agile organizations, future organizational designs, technology induced changes in organizational design, coordination and people practices, organization of ecosystems. She has published here work in top management journals (e.g. The Learning Organization, Creativity Research Journal), and serves as Editorial Advisory Board member at The Learning Organization and VINE – The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems. She has been regularly attending international scientific conferences (e.g. AOM, EGOS, ECKM). She has organized five Slovenian and five international conferences of Slovenian Academy of Management since 2012. In her free time, she enjoys reading, exploring nature and traveling.