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Amadeja Lamovšek, Author at Humanizing Digital Work


Name and surname Institution Aldijana Bunjak University of Stavanger Alenka Slavec Gomezel SEB LU Aleša Saša Sitar School of Economics and Business University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Alice Verlinden KU Leuven Ana Aleksić Mirić Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Belgrade André Escórcio Soares University of Lincoln Andrea Lenzner ETH Zurich Andrew Bennett Old Dominion […]

e-Wanderlust: Striking Harmony between Work and Well-being in the Nomadic Lifestyle

The ever-advancing wave of technological evolution ushers in fresh avenues for redefining our careers, and methods of work and collaboration. Digital nomadism represents one such form that is clearly on the uptake, and actually denotes a lifestyle phenomenon, as work and life become increasingly boundaryless, global, and disentangled (Hannonen, 2020). As defined by Cook (2023, p. 259), digital nomads are […]

Innovation across cultures: Connecting leadership, identification, and creative behavior in organizations

Innovation is considered essential for today’s organizations to survive and thrive. Researchers have also stressed the importance of leadership as a driver of followers’ innovative work behavior (FIB). Yet, despite a large amount of research, three areas remain understudied: (a) The relative importance of different forms of leadership for FIB; (b) the mechanisms through which […]

I’m creative and deserving! From self-rated creativity to creative recognition

This paper examines the psychological mechanism by which digital workers translate self-rated creativity into other-rated creativity (novelty and usefulness). Specifically, we explore digital workers’ creative self-efficacy as an explanatory mechanism while we investigate psychological entitlement as a boundary condition. We test our research model on a sample of digital platform workers (245 working professionals on […]

New book alert: “Humanizing the Digital Workplace: Creativity, Innovation, and Leadership in the Age of Technology” (Springer Nature / Q4 2024)

We’re calling for chapters! For a book we’re crafting, that will be entitled “Humanizing the Digital Workplace: Creativity, Innovation, and Leadership in the Age of Technology” (Springer Nature / Q4 2024).The book will dive into the fascinating bond between humans and technology in digital workplaces, exploring creativity, wellbeing, and teamwork dynamics. Abstract proposals are due […]